Category: Travel

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

why visa applications get rejected

Visa Refused: 9 Common Reasons Why Visas Get Rejected and How to Avoid Them

Applying for a visa has never been easy – it’s nerve-wracking, you worry about your having your visa denied, you don’t know what to expect during the application process and, if you fail to meet the requirements, your visa will be refused. There are many reasons why visa applications get rejected. We have put together…
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Portugal Schengen Visa

Portugal Schengen Visas

You may think that is too early to start to think about holidays, or you are planning your next jaunt of many you have already taken this year for business or pleasure to Portugal, but don’t forget to get for your Portugal Schengen Visas in time. Since 1995, Portugal entered into the EU Country States…
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British Citizenship Passport Applications, Renewals & Naturalisation

Ten Things to Do With a British Passport

British passports are passports dispensed by the United Kingdom to those holding any form of British nationality. A British passport enables the bearer to travel worldwide and serves as proof of citizenship. It also facilitates access to consular assistance from British embassies around the world. Passports are issued using royal entitlement, which is exercised by…
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Ten of The World’s Hardest-To-Get Passport And What You Do To Get Them

A passport is a government sanctioned identification which enables an individual to travel freely outside their country (subject to laws of other countries) and, except for few exceptions, it is an essential requirement for international travel. For many countries, a passport alone is inadequate and must include a visa issued by the destination country. In…
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Top 10 Countries That UK Nationals Visit

Britain’s passion for travelling abroad has experienced its biggest surge in nearly twenty years, with Britons making more than 36.7 million trips to foreign countries as at 2016 with the prospect of increasing at a greater percent in the year 2017. The concept of taking a break from work to travel is no longer just…
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