Category: Italy

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Schengen Travel Ban: EU Looking to Welcome Vaccinated American Tourists

After more than a year of EU border restrictions due to the pandemic, a piece of positive news has finally come from the European Commission regarding lifting restrictions to jumpstart travel this summer. In an interview, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen indicated that American tourists who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 would…
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Italy to Ease COVID Restrictions

Italy has announced its plan to ease COVID-19 restrictions from 26 April. Many of Italy’s current restrictions will be gradually relaxed from the end of April. On this day, the majority of Italian regions are going to move to a ‘yellow’ and ‘orange’ zone, the areas where the least restrictions are put into place.  This…
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UK, Canada & EU on USA ‘Do Not Travel’ List

Since last year, people have been pretty optimistic that inoculation against the virus in 2021 will reap a major reward to the travel industry. Travel within the US is starting to unravel as US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) greenlit domestic travel. However, the same thing cannot be said about travel outside the…
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EU Aims to Have Digital Green Certificates in Use By Summer

New data from travel industries shows more and more people are looking forward to travelling again. Government officials are now focusing on how to safely restart international and domestic trips and mitigate the economic disruption caused by the pandemic. The member states of the European Union have agreed to move forward with a recently proposed…
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Brexit: UK Architects No Longer Recognized in EU Countries

Following the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU, the UK services profession from IT, architecture and the arts, health services, education, lawyers and financial services were left with an array of visa and work permit restrictions.  Before Brexit, the UK firms were among the world’s most prominent service exporters. According to a research organisation, UK’s…
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