Category: UK Immigration

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

UK Travel Update: UK Red List Update from 11 October

The UK government has made it much easier for British passengers to travel abroad. The UK has adopted a simplified rule for travel which came into force on 4 October with the traffic light system scrapped in favour of a single red list. From today, 11 October 2021, forty-seven nations were taken off the red…
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UK Labour Shortage: Retail, Hospitality, and Care Industry Leaders Call for Temporary UK Visa

Months before the petrol crisis was felt, industry leaders had warned the British government of a supply-chain disruption. Following a British government announcement that a temporary UK visa will be launched for foreign truck drivers in an effort to ease food and fuel shortages, leaders in retail, hospitality, and care have launched an appeal for…
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UK Travel Rules Have Changed: Simplified Travel Rules

British holidaymakers have had to adapt to many new travel rules since the summer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since May this year, travellers have had to adhere to the government’s travel traffic light system, which regularly changed according to which countries were safe to visit. But a major shake-up announced a few weeks ago has…
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Brexit: British Government No Longer Recognises EU ID Cards

Most Europeans will need a valid passport to enter the United Kingdom as the British government will cease to allow access to those travelling on national identity cards. Starting from today, 1 October 2021, European nationals including travellers from Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway have to present their passports when entering the United Kingdom territory. Previously,…
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Brexit: New Visa for Truck Drivers after Chaos and Shortages in the UK

The United Kingdom is undergoing a supply crisis of essential goods due to a shortage of hauliers and truck drivers, prompting the British government to expand its seasonal workers’ scheme to offer temporary visas to meet the shortages from nearby European countries. The British government announced it will deliver over 10,000 temporary visas to lorry…
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