Category: News & Events

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Spain imposes local lockdown in two regions after Coronavirus rises again

Spain imposes a local lockdown in two regions after Coronavirus rises again

Spain has reinstated quarantine restrictions in a second region after an increase in new coronavirus cases. The region of Galicia, in northwest Spain, will have lockdown measures reintroduced from midnight on 5th July 2020.  This is after a decision on Saturday 4th July to lockdown 200,000 people in El Segriá, located in the north-eastern region of…
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How to Bypass the Europe Travel Ban

Back in July 2020, the news was released and caused a twitter storm that the father of the then UK’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, travelled to Greece despite strict Foreign Office advice against all but essential international travel. Greece has extended its ban on flights arriving from the UK until the middle of July. But…
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Top European Universities COVID-19 Planned Measures for Incoming Academic Year 2020/21

European universities take over 40 percent of the places in the list of the best universities in the world. Based on the latest ranking done by Times Higher Education, over 500 universities are located in Europe out of the almost 1,400 universities ranked around the world.  As the world combats the coronavirus pandemic and the…
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The Schengen Zone finally opens borders after COVID-19

This article is not currently being updated. It has been several months since each Schengen Member States closed their borders, despite the Schengen agreement being signed and in force, in a bid to slow down the infection rate of the novel coronavirus. This has affected the free movement and travel and has caused huge damage…
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popular uk universities for international students coronavirus - Intake Guide: International Students in Class

Popular UK universities for international students: COVID-19 September 2020 Intake Guide

UK Academic year 2020/21 It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected us in several ways and as we try to cope with the crisis, we need to face it by moving forward with caution. In this unsettling time, students are left speculating on the changes that will be imposed by the schools for…
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