Category: News & Events

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Overseas Nursing Programme – The UK’s Answer to the Nursing Shortage

With a growing populace of 63.2 million and a nursing population of approximately 400,000, now is the time, more than ever, for overseas-qualified nurses to make the most of an opportunity to travel to the United Kingdom and begin the life of an overseas qualified UK nurse. The scarcity of nurses has meant that the…
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Dual Citizenship French/British

Wondering how to apply if you are Britisnh Citizen or to be French Citizen?! Well this article is the one. I. How a French citizen can get British nationality There is several ways to become an english citizen when you’re french. First of all, France allows its citizens to get dual nationality since the act…
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Our team review of the MM v SSHD case

MM v Secretary of State from the Home Department [2014] –  Disappointment for Families Across the UK The Court of Appeal’s judgement in the case MM v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2014] was handed down on Friday 11 July 2014, will spell disappointment for many families across the UK. The appeal judges ruled that the…
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Recent Changes with the Immigration Rules

Starting from 11 July 2014, the following changes to the Immigration Rules will be enforced. Switching from Tier 4 Student/Other Study Category  to Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Students can only switch to Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) if they have access to £50,000 funding to invest in business from the following sources: one or more UK Entrepreneurial seed…
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MM case

Theresa May wins latest immigration battle in Court of Appeal. UK citizens must earn £18,600 before spouse let in and the benchmark rises to £22,400 for couples with children. Also, stats reveals “61% of women and 32% of men will not qualify to bring in a family member”. Case to say: Price tag on Love! Love is for…
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