Category: ONP Nurses

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Health Workers

Immigrant Health Workers in the UK

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  has found that Britain relies more heavily on foreign health workers than any other major EU nation. Its International Migration Outlook 2015 revealed that more than a third of NHS doctors – 35.4 per cent – were born overseas, compared with just 5 per cent in Italy, 10.7…
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uk nursing - Medical treatment professionals
uk nursing - Medical treatment professionals

Immigration Health Surcharge

On 25 February 2015, the Secretary of State issued a statement of changes in Immigration Rules, which highlighted number of changes, most of which came into force on 06 April 2015. The Immigration Health Surcharge ensures that temporary, non-EEA migrants coming to the UK for more than six months contribute to the NHS in line…
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More than 100,000 jobs await in Qatar for Filipinos

Good news: More than 100,000 jobs await in Qatar for Filipinos. Between country choices for Filipinos to immigrate such as UK, Canada and Australia,  Qatar is now as well an opportunity. More than 100,000 jobs are waiting for Filipinos in Qatar in addition to job openings for nurses in the United Kingdom. So far, iam…
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