Category: Italy

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Brexit: British Musicians Visa-Free Tour to Norway & More

As a result of Brexit, British musicians are required to have a work permit and visa, as well as customs documents like carnets for their equipment to tour in the European Union.  The British government promised that it would work closely with countries across the EU to support the mobility issues of the performing sector.…
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Air Canada to Launch COVID-Tested Flights Between Canada and Italy

Air Canada just announced that it will operate COVID-tested flights to Rome from Toronto and Montreal, giving Canadians the chance to escape to Europe this summer. The move also gives US travellers access to a broader selection of COVID-tested routes to Italy. Air Canada’s government approved COVID-tested flights to Italy are scheduled to take off…
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France Travel: France Open for Vaccinated US and UK Travellers from 9 June

After announcing restrictions for UK travellers last week, the French government has decided to allow fully vaccinated visitors from Britain to enter the country and will also apply the same rule for US visitors. Vaccinated people from green countries can visit without condition, vaccinated people from amber countries can visit but must present a negative…
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EU Updates COVID-Safe Countries for Air Travel

Last month, the EU cleared a path to open up member-state borders to international travel by adopting guidelines recommending the easing of travel restrictions for fully COVID-vaccinated people and those travelling from countries considered to have the virus under control. On 3 June, the Council of the EU added Japan to the list of safe…
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Brexit: Less Than 30 Days to Apply for Post-Brexit Residency

British nationals who have moved to France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Malta have until 30 June to ensure they retain their rights to remain in the EU. The same applies to EU nationals who want to continue to live in the United Kingdom. Under the terms of the Brexit, EU citizens already living in the UK…
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