Search Results for “Slovenia schengen visa”

Christmas is Cancelled, Again

The UK came out of lockdown on 2nd December 2020. Since then, there have been calls for the UK to go back into lockdown. But as the coronavirus infections continue its upward trend, and many areas in England are moved into the higher tier restrictions the UK government is wrestling with whether to go back…
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Travel by Car to European Countries After Brexit: Everything You Need to Know

If you are looking for European trip by car from the UK either with friends, family or even alone and you are not sure about what is required to make a road trip easy and possible, in this article you are going to know all the information you need to know before finalising your plan……
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U.S. Considers to Lift International Travel Ban

After eight months of border closures to European travellers, including the United Kingdom, the US government is reportedly considering removing the ban on international visitors from Europe and Brazil. Discussions among the federal government, public health agencies and airlines have resulted in widespread official support for the move, which still requires approval by the U.S.…
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How to Avoid the US Travel Ban Without Breaking Any Rules

UPDATE: Quarantine Required for All Travellers, Europe Travel Ban Still in Effect The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the travel industry into a frenzy. In order to contain the spread of the virus, many countries have issued temporary bans, which prohibit foreign travellers from entering their borders. The United States has also placed strict restrictions on…
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Top 10 Passport Rankings: World’s Most Powerful Passport

A passport can be your gateway to other countries or be a hindrance to the holder. This pocket-size booklet is not just for travel identification purposes but can also be a source of pride. Passports allow more freedom and unrestricted access to other countries which not all travellers have a choice. In our new world…
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