Category: Immigration updates

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Health Workers

Immigrant Health Workers in the UK

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  has found that Britain relies more heavily on foreign health workers than any other major EU nation. Its International Migration Outlook 2015 revealed that more than a third of NHS doctors – 35.4 per cent – were born overseas, compared with just 5 per cent in Italy, 10.7…
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Latest immigration news from the Home office

New Home Office Visa Fees 2016 – 2017

The Home Office laid legislation in Parliament to be able to increase visa fees, as well as immigration and nationality application fees over the next four years. The aim is to reduce taxpayer contributions towards the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system and ensure that by 2019-2020 the system is self funded by those who access…
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Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC535, November 2015

Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules: HC535 brings major changes to the Immigration Rules affecting refugees, Tiers 1, 2 and 5, EEA nationals sponsoring family members, visitors, applications for Administrative Review and knowledge of language and Life in the UK tests. Refugees Refugee status might be turned into a temporary form of protection by…
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Immigration Bill 2015 – 2016 – New sanctions

This Immigration Bill will introduce new sanctions on illegal immigration, protect public services and tackle exploitation of low-skilled workers in the UK: Part 1  Labour market and illegal working – will deal with exploitation in the labour market by: providing a logical enforcement strategy to crack down on serious exploitation of workers by establishing a…
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Theresa May on Immigration Reform

Theresa May on Immigration Reform

Theresa May addressed immigration reform in her speech to the Conservative party conference on 06 October 2015. The home secretary said that high numbers of immigrants were not in the national interest. However, her immigration speech was called “dangerous and factually wrong” in The Telegraph which is looking at whether her statements were actually true:…
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