Category: Working Holiday Visas

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Working Holiday Visa in France

France has long been a magnet to tourists all over the world. The France Young Traveller Working Holiday visa is a multiple-entry French visa that will allow you to stay for 4-12 months. It is granted to the nationals of 15 countries that participate in the France holiday program. The main idea behind the program…
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Working Holiday Visa for US Citizens

Working Holiday Visa (WHV) programs are a great way to visit a host country for an extended time and take on jobs to cover your living expenses and help supplement your travels in the country. While the term “holiday” may suggest a period of rest and relaxation, a working holiday is actually an opportunity for…
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Denmark Working Holiday Visa

Denmark is south of Norway and Sweden and north of Germany.  Denmark is home to the world’s oldest monarchy and is a great country to explore historical castles and many historical Viking sites. Denmark has a long coastline which is a great place for water activities, and beach holidays are a popular activity. The county…
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Belgium Working Holiday Visa

If the abundance of world-famous beer, waffles and chocolate isn’t enough reason to visit Belgium, how about the picturesque towns and incredible architecture of the quiet medieval villages?  Belgium has entered an agreement with several countries to allow young adults to experience and understand the local culture of the participating countries. A Working Holiday Visa…
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Austria Working Holiday Visa

Travelling across the world to work, live and travel in a foreign country is a pretty big deal. A working holiday visa gives you the chance to live in a foreign country for a longer period of time than you would on a vacation because you will be able to earn money while you are…
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