Schengen Visas UK through IAM

Schengen Visas UK through IAM

Schengen Visas UK

Schengen Visas through IAM: going to France, Portugal, Netherlands or another EU country from the UK?

Schengen Visas UK Application and Submission

As a registered member of the French Embassy in London, and many other embassies in the UK, we are pleased to offer you, the ability to apply and lodge French and Schengen Visa applications and have them returned to you within 3-4 days.


  1. Book your appointment and make payment by completing our simple Schengen Visas UK Form.
  2. Gather the required supporting documents requested, you will be emailed, to us via:
  • email
  • post
  • in person
  • courier or collection.

You will be required, with one of our representatives, to submit your fingerprints and have a picture (usually termed as providing your biometrics) at the processing centre where all the documents will be submitted.

Once granted, we will return all the primary and secondary documents by your preferred means to whichever destination you like.

Our Schengen service is only currently at 92.40 GBP (excluding the embassy fees) per person and includes the preparation of you and your client's application as well as booking the appointments and submitting your applications for your clients. Book now online


6 Responses

  1. nasreen says:

    i wish that i will work in christian country freedomly

  2. Kanak Raval says:

    I want work visa or any PR visa any great developed country . could you assist me for the same. I would like to move their as soon as fast

    Mobile:+91 9825140474

    • It doesn’t work that way Kanak. No one just moves without a plan these days. No country says “come and get a work visa or Permanent Residency Kanak” there must be a reason why they will grant it for you. You come to work, study or join family.

      For work purposes, why will any employer hire you? They have a whole country to choose from.
      For study, what course and how long? Do you have the ability to successfully complete your course? Do you have the funds?
      Family these days are only based on ancestry or very close family members (ie: children and spouse/partners, and in some rare circumstances; parents).

      Do the reading on our site and online and then make an informed choice.

  3. Neliza dimatulac says:

    I would like to apply a schengen visa for my mum as she has not got a british passport, we are planning to go to spain or holland does she need to apply in person . She is 83 and not very mobile . Thank you

    • Hi Neliza,
      In the UK, Spain and the Netherlands require you to submit your biometrics for each visa applicant. Therefore, she will be required to attend in person once we have completed her application.

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