Category: Americas

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Belgium Working Holiday Visa

If the abundance of world-famous beer, waffles and chocolate isn’t enough reason to visit Belgium, how about the picturesque towns and incredible architecture of the quiet medieval villages?  Belgium has entered an agreement with several countries to allow young adults to experience and understand the local culture of the participating countries. A Working Holiday Visa…
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US Travel Update: Borders and Travel Restrictions

The current US administration is reportedly considering sweeping changes to international travel restrictions put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19. Reportedly, the White House has held a series of meetings over the last month about when and how they could begin to rescind the travel restrictions barring most non-essential travellers from entering the…
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US COVID Update: Masks No Longer Required in the US for the Vaccinated

In a major step towards returning to some sort of normalcy, the Center For Disease Control (CDC) has issued new guidance that states fully vaccinated people in the United States no longer have to wear a mask outdoors or indoors and do not have to practice social distancing. The guidance still calls for wearing masks…
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Austria Working Holiday Visa

Travelling across the world to work, live and travel in a foreign country is a pretty big deal. A working holiday visa gives you the chance to live in a foreign country for a longer period of time than you would on a vacation because you will be able to earn money while you are…
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Italy Scraps Quarantine Requirements for Travellers from the UK and More

As it seeks to entice tourists this summer, Italy announced that travellers from the United Kingdom, European and Schengen Area countries, as well as those from Israel, will be permitted to visit Italy, quarantine-free, starting 16 May. Travellers from these countries who test negative for Coronavirus can forgo the mandatory quarantine. Previously, travellers to Italy…
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