Moving To Italy: Jobs On Demand For 2023

Visas, Immigration & Nationality

Moving To Italy: Jobs On Demand For 2023

Are you planning to work and live in Italy? Italy has announced that it has decided to raise the work permit quota for foreign unskilled workers and startup visa applicants from third countries.

Each year, the Italian government offers a glimmer of hope when it announces how many work permits it will grant to non-EU citizens.

The 2023 quota, published in the government’s Official Gazette last week, is 82,705 which is significantly higher than in previous years, 

Of the 82,705 work permits to be issued in 2023, 44,000 are reserved for seasonal work in industries including agriculture and tourism. The remaining permits will be granted for non-seasonal or self-employed work. 

The majority (30,105 of 38,705) are reserved for the following specific industries. 

  • Road haulage
  • Construction
  • Hotels and tourism
  • Mechanics
  • Telecommunications
  • Food
  • Shipbuilding

Aside from a work permit (nulla osta), all foreign workers must obtain a work visa (visto) and residence permit (permesso di soggiorno).

Similar to the previous years, only 500 permits will be issued to self-employed workers in Italy. This includes freelancers, entrepreneurs and artists.

Authorities stressed that the work permit quota does not apply to third-country nationals with highly skilled work permits.

Stricter Rules For Work Permits In 2023

Although the number of work permits to be granted is higher than in previous years, stricter rules have been introduced.

This year, employers of non-seasonal workers must verify with the local job centre that there are no qualified Italian nationals available to complete non-seasonal work before applying for permits for non-EEA workers. This requirement is waived for workers who have completed training programmes in their country of origin that are specifically designed to send workers to Italy.

Work permit applications will be accepted from 27 March 2023 which is 60 days after the publication of the decree in the Official Gazette.

Applications without objections will be automatically forwarded to the worker’s country of origin within 30 days, where the local Italian embassy or consulate will issue the visa within 20 days.

In early 2022, Italy approved a new visa for digital nomads. Further details are yet to be announced and it is still unclear what the limits and requirements will be.

EU Blue Card In Italy

The EU Blue Card offers visas to non-EU workers employed by an Italian company. While there’s no quota, it is a less popular route as there are strict rules to follow.

The Blue Card is for highly qualified non-EU nationals with a binding job offer from an Italian company. They must earn a minimum salary of €24,789 and have completed an undergraduate university degree.

The Italian company must have at least €50,000 to show it can hire a foreign employee.

The EU Blue Card is valid for two years or for the duration of the employment contract.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Talk to us in the comment section below. Or if you need more advice on the above, contact us for further travel & immigration advice.

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